  • Football Live Score, Results and Prediction

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Football live scores on VSscore.com has live coverage from more than 500 worldwide soccer leagues, cups and tournaments with live updated results, statistics, league tables, and fixtures. Live matches from all football leagues have fast and accurate updates for minutes, scores, halftime and full time soccer results, goal scorers and assistants, cards, substitutions and match statistics.

We are available for most popular football leagues: Spain La Liga BBVA league and Copa del Rey , Italy Serie and Coppa Italia, German Bundesliga and DFB pokal, France Ligue 1 and UEFA Champions League, Europa league and International tournaments like World Championship, European Championship.VSscore live score has details for each team where you can see last 10 soccer matches, tables, fixtures, results, statistics and much more. In match details you can find dropping or rising odds. Also, all scores on vsscore.com livescore are automatically updated and you do not need to refresh it.